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عزيزي الزائر! مرحباً بك معنا

لمشاهده الموضوع قم بتسجيل الدخول اذا لم تكن لديك عضويه بامكانك التسجيل في المنتدى بالضغط هنا التسجيل
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المواضيع الأخيرة
» قرصنة صهيونية على اسطول تاحرية وعشرات الشهداء والجرحى
اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار Emptyالخميس يونيو 03, 2010 9:51 pm من طرف هو فى ايه

» Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy
اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار Emptyالخميس يونيو 03, 2010 9:49 pm من طرف هو فى ايه

» Realities of the Israeli occupier and his attack on the fleet of freedom, which went on to break the siege حقائق المحتل الاسرائيلى وهجومه على اسطول الحريه الذى ذهب لكسر الحصار
اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار Emptyالخميس يونيو 03, 2010 9:39 pm من طرف هو فى ايه

» اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار
اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار Emptyالخميس يونيو 03, 2010 9:29 pm من طرف هو فى ايه

» لعبة اعرف خيالك هيروح لفين
اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار Emptyالإثنين فبراير 15, 2010 7:10 am من طرف هو فى ايه

» من تختار فى انتخابات القادمع للرئاسه
اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار Emptyالجمعة يناير 29, 2010 2:01 pm من طرف عاشقة مصر

» الجدار الفولاذى المزعوم بين الحقيقة والخيال
اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار Emptyالثلاثاء يناير 19, 2010 7:36 am من طرف هو فى ايه

» سؤال والاجابه على عزة والأنفاق رؤيه مصريه
اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار Emptyالثلاثاء يناير 19, 2010 7:24 am من طرف هو فى ايه

» حقائق عن الحرب على غزه
اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار Emptyالأحد يناير 17, 2010 9:36 pm من طرف عاشقة مصر

التبادل الاعلاني
احداث منتدى مجاني

اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار

اذهب الى الأسفل

اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار Empty اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار

مُساهمة من طرف هو فى ايه الخميس يونيو 03, 2010 9:29 pm

bian Sights.....اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار 201053162839744734_20

Massacres Go International; Commandos Kill 20 Free Gaza

Israeli occupation forces
massacred 20 activists on board the Gaza-bound “Freedom”
flotilla Sunday overnight and Monday, according to the Israeli TV.
60 other people were also injured. The killing took place in
international waters. Among the injured, leader of the Islamic
Movement's northern branch in the occupied territories Sheikh Raed
Salah whose injuries are serious, according to reports.
Israeli marine commandos had opened ... ...

Turkey to
Call UN Meeting over Israeli Attack, Recalls Envoy

Turkey will call an emergency meeting of the UN
Security Council over Israel's deadly raid on aid ships bound for
the Gaza Strip, a Turkish diplomat told AFP Monday as above tens of
thousands of people went out to Turkish streets condemning the
Israeli inhumane act. Turkey also recalled its ambassador
from Tel Aviv Monday, Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said. "Our
ambassador to Israel has been recalled to Ankara," Arinc told a
press ...

Massive Condemnation in Lebanon of
Israel’s Crime

Israeli massacre of at least 20 activists on board the Gaza-bound aid ship
drew widespread condemnations in Lebanon. HEZBOLLAH MP: IF THEY
Hezbollah MP Hasan Fadlallah denounced the Israeli massacre as a "crime
against humanity" and called on the international community to take
action. "This is a premeditated crime against humanity by the Israelis,"
Fadlallah told ...

www.almanar. com.lb/NewsSite/ News.aspx? language= en

and outrage has swept the globe after Israeli soldiers stormed a
flotilla of aid ships bound for Gaza

International powers are closing ranks
in condemning the deadly raid.

aljazeera.net/ news/middleeast/ 2010/05/20105316 216182630. html

Noam Chomsky “denied entry” by "Israel"[size=12]??[/size]

...Chomsky’s works contain useful information.
However, Chomsky’s criticism does not cut deep enough. Chomsky acknowledges that
Israel has waged a genocidal war against Palestinians since its founding. It is
a genocide that has been bankrolled by the United States and other Western
countries for about half a century. Chomsky exposes the barbarism of imperialism
and Zionism. However, Chomsky fails to recognize that the people of Israel, just
like the people of the First World generally, have a material interest in
supporting imperialism. And it is no accident that Amerikans find common cause
with Israel. Israel’s very existence as a settler society is bound-up with the
genocide and exploitation of Palestinians. Amerika too is a settler society that
is based on the ethnic cleansing of North America and the exploitation of
peoples all over the Third World. Genocide and exploitation are at the very core
of both Amerikan and Israeli society. In countries like these, where the vast
majority of the population is made up of exploiters, there is a degree of
responsibility that is shared by society as a whole. These populations as a
whole bear collective responsibility for their exploitation and oppression of
others. Because Chomsky fails to understand the problem fully, he fails to
understand the solution. First World peoples, including the Israel people,
will not voluntarily toss imperialism into the dustbin of history. Rather, they
will defend imperialism tooth-and-nail. Imperialism will be smashed by those it
oppresses, not by those who benefit from it. It will be smashed through a global
people’s war waged by the Third World against the First World. The armies of the
Palestinians and the Third World will not be held up by a “denied entry”

raimd.wordpress. com/
The following is from
"The Digest"

Chomsky, a lying liberal
zionist imperialist

Chomsky is a critical left-liberal friend of the zionist outpost. This
little episode burnished Chomsky's 'anti-zionist' creds when he's
increasingly being discredited by genuine anti- zionist imperialists

Atzmon is
respected for being a consistent, courageous exposer of liberal zionists,
unfortunately not of israel's crucial role as a proxy, dependent on US for its
existence. Not because of the AIPAC lobby ---- tails don't wag dogs. US
imperialism and zionism are inextricably bound together based on their fascist
agendas. US imperialism' s world war for global domination is served by its
state terrorist proxy partner's 'eretz isreal' agenda. 'Israel' is rewarded well
for doing US dirty work far beyond genocide against Palestine, from Africa,
Latin America and Asia to the US 'homeland' information


More on chomsky's
treachery at
5thparttreacheryof. blogspot. com/ -
www.burbankdigest. com/

Chomsky Was Not Prevented From Entering Israel

By Sam Husseini

May 18, 2010 -
Many reported that Noam Chomsky was recently stopped from entering Israel. This
is false. Totally false. He was prevented from going to the Palestinian city of
Ramallah by Israeli forces. This important distinction highlights among other
things that Israel controls the borders into occupied Palestinian areas, a large
part of the problem...Some got the facts right, noting that Chomsky was denied
entry into the West Bank by Israel - Israel controls access to Palestinian
areas, among many other aspects of everyday life that most people take for

Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo:
http://www.uruknet. de/?p=66130

Protecting Israel: Chomsky's Way

Ghali Hassan

On Iraq and the heroic Iraqi

...Chomsky criticised the US because the US violated
international law and the UN Charter and committed crimes against Iraq. The war
was an illegal act of aggression, and the Occupation of Iraq is against the
majority of the Iraqi people. However, Chomsky praised the invasion for it
“removes Saddam and the sanctions”. As we know these are the views of Bush and
Blair. Iraq is far worse today than before the invasion at all levels. On the
Occupation itself, Chomsky is like his army of devotees; he is very surprised it
didn’t work. Chomsky calls the premeditated and deliberate destruction of Iraq
an “American incompetence” . The worst is that Chomsky praised the US-staged
elections as “democratic”. Elections under foreign occupation are illegitimate
and imperialist propaganda. The Iraqi elections were fraudulent elections
designed to legitimise the imperialist Occupation and cement civil strife and
fratricidal killings.
On the right of Iraqis to self-determination and
national independence, Chomsky is flagrant. He called the Iraqi Resistance “bomb
throwers” and follows the Bush-Blair line of labelling anyone resisting US
terrorism as “terrorist”. The US war on Iraq is “creating more terrorists”, said
Chomsky. On the Iraqi Resistance, Chomsky is emphatic. It is a “violent
insurgency”, he said. Chomsky seems unaware of the hundreds of thousands of
innocent Iraqi men, women and children needlessly slaughtered with “trigger
happy” violent US forces and their mercenaries. The illegal mass arrests without
charge, torture, abuse and sexual humiliation of Iraqi civilians is not the most
flagrant violation of human rights. The daily bombardments – with cluster bombs,
napalms, chemical and phosphorous bombs – and the destruction of Iraqi cities
are not the most heinous war crimes in the history. How long will the American
people remain silent in the face of injustice, war crimes and crimes against
humanity committed in their name?
Finally, Chomsky’s analysis of Middle East
suffers from his tendency of demonising the Arabs, while covertly defending his
own ethnic group. Chomsky’s earlier views are not different form his views
today. People with moral consciousness and open mind should not fall into
Chomsky’s trap."...

http://www.counterc urrents.org/ hassan050406. htm

few years later [after the establishment of the state] I spent several very
happy months working in a Kibbutz and for several years thought seriously about
returning permanently. Some of my closest friends, including several who have
had a significant influence on my own thinking over the years, now live in
Kibbutzim or elsewhere in Israel and I retain close connections that are quite
separate from any political judgments and attitudes. I mention all of this to
make clear that I inevitably view the continuing conflict from a very specific
point of view, colored by these personal relationships. Perhaps [??!!] this
personal history distorts my perspective.”


[size=7]http://www.counterc urrents.org/ hassan050406. htm


I've been involved in this since childhood in
the 1930s. I was part of the Zionist movement, in fact, a Zionist youth leader,
but I was opposed to a Jewish state, and that was part of the Zionist movement
at the time. It was not the main part, but it was considered within the
umbrella, so I could be an activist Zionist youth leader-the main thing in my
life as a teenager- but opposed to a Jewish state, up until


com/chomsky/ chomsky%20admits %20his%20emotion al%20attachment%
20to%20Palestine %20distorts% 20his%20views. htm

Do you believe Israel should exist, why and in what form

Chomsky :
As a Zionist
youth leader in the 1940s, I was among those who called for a binational state
in Mandatory Palestine. When a Jewish state was declared, I felt that it should
have the rights of other states - no more, no less.Why should the US exist,
sitting on half of Mexico, including Florida, conquered in a violent racist war
carried out in violation of the Constitution?
And we can ask much the same
about other states. State formation has been a brutal

with many hideous consequences. But the results exist, and their pernicious
aspects should be

Would you
describe the US as it is now as a fascist state
Chomsky :
Far from it. In many respects it is the most free country
in the world.
http://www.informat ionclearinghouse .info/article147 27.htm

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هو فى ايه
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عدد المساهمات : 173
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/05/2009
العمر : 36


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