عزيزي الزائر! مرحباً بك معنا

لمشاهده الموضوع قم بتسجيل الدخول اذا لم تكن لديك عضويه بامكانك التسجيل في المنتدى بالضغط هنا التسجيل

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عزيزي الزائر! مرحباً بك معنا

لمشاهده الموضوع قم بتسجيل الدخول اذا لم تكن لديك عضويه بامكانك التسجيل في المنتدى بالضغط هنا التسجيل
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
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    المواضيع الأخيرة
    » قرصنة صهيونية على اسطول تاحرية وعشرات الشهداء والجرحى
    Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy Emptyالخميس يونيو 03, 2010 9:51 pm من طرف هو فى ايه

    » Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy
    Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy Emptyالخميس يونيو 03, 2010 9:49 pm من طرف هو فى ايه

    » Realities of the Israeli occupier and his attack on the fleet of freedom, which went on to break the siege حقائق المحتل الاسرائيلى وهجومه على اسطول الحريه الذى ذهب لكسر الحصار
    Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy Emptyالخميس يونيو 03, 2010 9:39 pm من طرف هو فى ايه

    » اسطول الحريه وفك الحصار
    Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy Emptyالخميس يونيو 03, 2010 9:29 pm من طرف هو فى ايه

    » لعبة اعرف خيالك هيروح لفين
    Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy Emptyالإثنين فبراير 15, 2010 7:10 am من طرف هو فى ايه

    » من تختار فى انتخابات القادمع للرئاسه
    Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy Emptyالجمعة يناير 29, 2010 2:01 pm من طرف عاشقة مصر

    » الجدار الفولاذى المزعوم بين الحقيقة والخيال
    Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy Emptyالثلاثاء يناير 19, 2010 7:36 am من طرف هو فى ايه

    » سؤال والاجابه على عزة والأنفاق رؤيه مصريه
    Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy Emptyالثلاثاء يناير 19, 2010 7:24 am من طرف هو فى ايه

    » حقائق عن الحرب على غزه
    Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy Emptyالأحد يناير 17, 2010 9:36 pm من طرف عاشقة مصر

    التبادل الاعلاني
    احداث منتدى مجاني

    Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy

    اذهب الى الأسفل

    Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy Empty Fleet freedom and piracy Israeli occupier of a convoy

    مُساهمة من طرف هو فى ايه الخميس يونيو 03, 2010 9:49 pm

    Zionism piracy on its fleet of freedom and scores of dead and wounded


    a barbaric act and act barbaric Zionist occupation forces proceeded to
    attack at dawn, the fourth shot with live ammunition on its fleet of
    liberty loaded with medicines and food in international waters, the
    process of piracy led to the martyrdom of at least twenty and wounding
    dozens of peace activists in the fleet.

    communications with the ship after the Israeli army disrupt
    communications on them amid great concern about the fate of peace
    activists who said the occupation to stop them, while stressing
    solidarity activists before contact was lost with them that the Israeli
    occupation army used helicopter during the attack on ships to control
    and escorted to Israeli ports.

    pace of Israeli threats to intercept naval vessels mounted, freedom and
    seized, loaded with more than ten thousand tons of humanitarian aid, in
    addition to the threat of arrest more than seven hundred and fifty in
    solidarity on board the vessels.

    spokesman said the Zionist army Gen. Benayahu Monday he did not know
    "who gave the order to shoot" during the attack on the fleet of
    freedom, adding that the "Navy acting on the orders and instructions
    are very clear to shoot soldiers were warned not to give in to

    Navy has been placed before the scenarios to prepare for this process,
    but life can sometimes be more complicated models have Thiona to the
    task of the validity of the police to tackle violence, but we faced a
    violent terrorist nature" ...

    http://www.almanar. com.lb / NewsSite / NewsDetails. aspx? id = 139781 & language = ar

    ------------ --------- -----

    Turkey warns Israel of the consequences can not be repaired and call Ambassador


    this time Turkey has warned Israel of "the consequences can not be
    repaired" in bilateral relations after the Israeli attack on the
    "freedom flotilla" which carries activists and aid to the Gaza Strip. On the Foreign Ministry announced.

    ministry said in a statement "We strongly condemn this inhumane Israeli
    practices," the statement said that "this unfortunate incident, which
    happened in the sea in clear violation of international law could be
    the implications of the consequences can not be repaired in our
    bilateral relations."

    to the ministry it had summoned the Israeli Ambassador Gabby Levy asked
    for clarification from him about the incident, the statement said,
    "Whatever the reason, such an action against civilians not engaged only
    in peaceful activities is unacceptable," adding that "would result in
    Israel bear the consequences of such behavior, which constitutes a
    violation of the law international level. "

    his part, said Mohamed Kaya, chairman of the Turkish aid in Gaza on
    Monday the fall of the "15 martyrs, at least" mostly Turks, in the
    Israeli attack on a convoy of freedom of movement activists and aid to
    the Gaza Strip.

    Kaya said the resident in Gaza that "the number of martyrs arrived at the 15 martyrs at least most of them in solidarity Turks."

    http://www.almanar. com.lb / NewsSite / NewsDetails. aspx? id = 139813 & language = ar

    ------------ --------- --------- ---

    Lebanon moves to invite the UN Security Council to convene after the attack on the fleet of freedom


    the Zionist crime, rude against peace activists heading to Gaza, bent
    double with medication and Algza and the will to break the unjust siege
    on board the fleet of freedom reaction began with the Arab and
    international in Lebanon continued Lebanese Parliament Speaker Mr.
    Nabih Berri, since morning, "the dangerous situation in the light of
    piracy, terrorism and brutal attack carried out by Israel
    at dawn today on a convoy of freedom, which was heading to the Gaza
    Strip in solidarity with the besieged Palestinian people there. " ...

    http://www.almanar. com.lb / NewsSite / NewsDetails. aspx? id = 139819 & language = ar

    ------------ --------- --------- -

    protest at one o'clock Monday afternoon May 31, 2010 to the Ministry of
    Foreign Affairs of Egypt; of Solidarity with the convoy "fleet of
    freedom" to break the siege on the Gaza Strip, and to condemn the
    Egyptian position in support of the Zionist siege on the Palestinian
    people in the sector.
    هو فى ايه
    هو فى ايه

    عدد المساهمات : 173
    تاريخ التسجيل : 31/05/2009
    العمر : 36


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